Wednesday, March 20, 2013

"Why Worry" book launch in Parliament 2013.03.21

Prime Minister D.M. Jayaratne says that it is a triumph of the Ministry of Buddhasasana & Religious Affairs that together with Ministry of Economic Development it could propagate Buddhism throughout the world with the development in the tourism in Sri Lanka.
Several programmes are implemented to boost tourism in Sri Lanka and many teachings of Buddha can be used for the spiritual development of the foreigners. Prime Minister stated that his Ministry would be dedicated constantly for this endavour. Prime Minister expressed these views at function in which he participated as the Chief Guest held today (20) in the Parliament complex to distribute the book titled “Why Worry” written by Late Dr. Kirille Sri Dhammananda Thera, among the hotels in Sri Lanka.
On a concept of the Ministry of Buddhasasana & Religious Affairs and with the guidance of the Ministry of Economic Development, arrangements were made to distribute 15,000 copies of the book “Why Worry” through Sri Dharmananda Foundation in Malaysia among all the tourist hotels in Sri Lanka. The distribution of these books took place under the patronage of Prime Minister D.M. Jayaratne and with the participation of Minister of Economic Development Basil Rajapaksha.
Addressing at the said function Prime Minister emphasized the following ideas;
“I have seen the Bible in many hotels during my visits to many countries. In Chinese hotels, Bible as well as some agricultural guidebooks are available. However, we do not observe that private sector exhibit books to propagate Buddhism among foreigners. With the implementation of this project under the guidance of the Ministry of Economic Development, we could disseminate Buddhism all over the world.
The contents of this book written by Late Dr. Kirille Sri Dhammananda Thera are applicable not only for Sinhala Buddhists but also for the entire world. Its contents are equally useful for the developed as well as the developing countries.
People of the world are concerned about the races and religions but do not think that we all are human beings. However, this sort of books provides the criteria for a meaningful life to every man in the world irrespective of their education.
A book should inspire your intelligence. We need to be educated in order to lead an intelligent life. Education can be made a means of living. However, what is more important is humanity. It is a great concept. This book has exhibited number of facts required to create a great person in a society.
People may write many books but if no one reads them; no use of writing books. The habit of reading among school children as well as the adults has gown down rapidly. We see today that university students also do not read much. In order to create a great society where many books are written, it is of paramount importance to create a society with many readers”.
Minister of Economic Development Basil Rajapaksha said that a great influence can be derived from the nature as well as from the Buddhism to develop the tourism in Sri Lanka. These books will provide the opportunity for tourists to learn about the values of the Buddhism when they are alone and spending time leisurely. Tourists are not all the time engaged in travelling. They can read these books while they are staying in hotel rooms. This will pave the way for them to understand about the true meaning of Buddhism.
Ven. Kotawila Siridamma thera who is a disciple of Late Dr. Kirille Sri Dhammananda thera and several other Buddhist monks, Deputy Minister of Buddhasasana M.K.A.D.S. Gunawardena, Prime Minister’s Secretary Mr. S. Amarasekara, Secretary to the Ministry of Buddhasasana & Religious Affairs Mr. M.K.B. Dissanayake, Public Trustee Mr. Sarath Seneviratne, Chairman Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Authority Mr. Bhashwara Senanka Gunaratne, Chairman Ceylon Hotel Corporation Mr. Shanthi Kumar, Chairman Ceylon Hoteliers’ Association Mr. J. Kehelpannala and some other personnel attended this occasion. 

,yq;ifapd; cy;yhrj;Jiwf; ifj;njhopypy; Vw;gl;Ls;s tpUj;jpAld; ,izahf nghUshjhu mgptpUj;jp mikr;rhdJ Gj;jjHkj;jpid cyfk; G+uhTk; gug;Gtijr; rhj;jpakhf;fpaikahdJ  Gj;jrhrd kw;Wk; kjtptfhu mikr;R ngw;w ntw;wpahFk; vd gpujk mikr;rH jp.K.[auj;d mtHfs; $wpdhH. 
,yq;ifapy; cy;yhrf; ifj;njhopw;Wiwia Nkk;gLj;Jtjw;fhf gy Ntiyj;jpl;lq;fs; eilKiwg;gLj;jg;gLfpd;wd.  mtw;wpD}lhf ntspehl;lthpd; Md;kPf tpUj;jpapd; epkpj;jk; Gj;jjHkj;jpypUe;J gy ey;y tplaq;fis mtHfSf;Fg; ngw;Wf;nfhLg;gJk; Kf;fpa ,lj;jpid tfpf;fpd;wJ.  mjw;fhfj; jdJ mikr;rhdJ njhlHe;Jk; eltbf;if Nkw;nfhs;tjhfTk; gpujk mikr;rH Rl;bf;fhl;bdhH.  fhyQ;nrd;w rq;iff;Fhpa fyhepjp fpupy;Ny=jk;khde;j Njuhpdhy; vOjg;gl;l “Why Worry” vd;w E}ypid ,yq;ifapy; ,Uf;Fk; N`hl;ly;fspilNa gfpHe;jspg;gjd; epkpj;jk; ,d;W (20) gpw;gfy; ghuhSkd;wf; fl;llj; njhFjpapy; eilngw;w itgtj;jpy; gpujk mjpjpahff; fye;Jnfhz;L ciuahw;Wk;NghNj gpujk mikr;rH Nkw;fz;lthW Fwpg;gpl;lhH.
Gj;jrhrd kw;Wk; kjtptfhu mikr;rpd; vz;zf;fUtpd; gpufhuk; nghUshjhu mikr;rpd; topfhl;lypy; kNyrpahtpy; mike;Js;s =jk;khde;j kd;wj;jpdhy; “Why Worry” vd;w E}ypd; 15000 gpujpfs; ,e;ehl;by; mike;Js;s cy;yhrg; gazpfs; jq;Fk; N`hl;ly;fSf;F toq;Ftjw;fhf eltbf;if Nkw;nfhs;sg;gl;Ls;sJ.  ,e;E}y;fis N`hl;ly;fSf;F toq;fpitf;Fk; epfo;r;rp gpujk mikr;rH jp.K.[auj;d mtHfspd; jiyikapYk; nghUshjhu mgptpUj;jp mikr;rH g~py; uh[gf;~ mtHfspd; gq;Fgw;WjYlDk; ,lk;ngw;wJ.
me;j itgtj;jpy; fye;Jnfhz;L gpujk mikr;rH mtHfs; NkYk; fUj;Jj; njhptpf;ifapy;> cyfpy; Rw;Wg;gazq;fis Nkw;nfhz;lNghJ gy N`hl;ly;fspy; ehd; iggpisf; fz;bUf;fpNwd;.  rPd N`hl;ly;fspy; iggpSld; tptrhak; rk;ge;jkhd ifNaLfSk; itf;fg;gl;Ls;sd.  MdhYk; ,yq;ifapy; Gj;jjHkj;jpid ntspehl;ltupilNa gpurpj;jkilar; nra;tjw;F N`hl;ly;fspy; mit rk;ge;jg;gl;l Gj;jfq;fis itj;jpUg;gjidf; fhzKbahJs;sJ.  nghUshjhu mgptpUj;jp mikr;rpd; topfhl;lypy; ,t;thwhd Ntiyj;jpl;lnkhd;wpid eilKiwg;gLj;JtjD}lhf epiyahd khHf;fkhd Gj;jjHkj;jpid KO cyfj;jtupilNaAk; gpurpj;jkilar; nra;a KbAk;. 
fhyQ;nrd;w rq;iff;Fhpa fyhepjp fpupy;Ny=jk;khde;j Njuhpdhy; vOjg;gl;l ,e;jg; Gj;jfj;jpYs;s tplaq;fis rpq;fs ngsj;jHfs; kl;Lkd;wp cyf kf;fs; midtUk; gbj;Jg; gad;ngw KbAk;.  mgptpUj;jpaile;j ehLfisg; Nghd;Nw mgptpUj;jpaile;JtUk; %d;whk; cyf ehLfSf;Fk; ,g;Gj;jfj;jpYs;s tplaq;fs; gadspf;Fk;. 
cyfpYs;s kf;fs; ,d> kj uPjpahf gphpe;J Nkhjy;fspy; <Lgl;lhYk; ehk; midtUk; kdpjHfs; vd mNdfkhNdhH rpe;jpg;gjpy;iy.  MdhYk;> ,t;thwhd E}y;fspD}lhf gbj;j kw;Wk; gbf;fhj midtUf;Fk; mHj;jKs;s tho;f;ifapid tho;tjw;fhd tplaq;fisg; ngw;Wf;nfhs;s KbAk;.
Gj;jfnkhd;wpd; Kf;fpaj;JtkhdJ Gj;jpapNyNa jq;fpAs;sJ.  Gj;jprhJupakhf thoNtz;Lkhapd;> vkf;Ff; fy;tp mtrpakhfpd;wJ.  vkJ [PtNdhghaj;jpw;fhd topahfTk; mwptpidg; gad;gLj;jpf;nfhs;s KbAk;.  MdhYk;> ,it midjpw;Fk; Nkyhf ,Ug;gJ kdpjj;jd;ikahFk;.  mJjhd; kpf Kf;fpa vz;zf;fUthf ,Uj;jy; Ntz;Lk;.  ,e;E}ypd; %yk; r%fj;jpy; XH cj;jk kdpjid cUthf;Ftjw;Fj; Njitahd tplaq;fs; gy Rl;bf;fhl;lg;gl;Ls;sd. 
ve;jsT rpwg;ghf E}y; jahupf;fg;gl;lhYk; mij thrpf;ftpy;iynadpy; mjpypUe;J ve;jg; gaidAk; ngw;Wf;nfhs;s KbahJ.  ,yq;ifapy; ghlrhiy khztHfisg; Nghd;Nw tsHe;j nghpatHfsplKk; thrpg;Gg; gof;fk; kpff; Fiwe;j kl;lj;jpNyNa fhzg;gLfpd;wJ.  gy;fiyf;fof khztHfs;$l thrpg;Gg; gof;fj;jpypUe;J J}ukhfpapUg;gjidf; fhz Kbfpd;wJ.  Gj;jfq;fs; ntspaplg;gLtjw;F Vw;g cd;dj r%fnkhd;wpid epHkhzpg;gjhapd;>  thrpg;Gg; gof;fj;jpidAila thrfH r%fnkhd;wpidAk; Njhw;Wtpg;gJ kpf Kf;fpa tplakhFk; vdf; Fwpg;gpl;lhH.
,t;itgtj;jpy; fye;Jnfhz;L nghUshjhu mgptpUj;jp mikr;rH g~py; uh[gf;~ mtHfs; ,q;F fUj;Jj; njhptpf;ifapy;> ,yq;ifapy; cy;yhrf; ifj;njhopy; Jiwapid tpUj;jp nra;tjw;fhf ,e;ehl;L ,aw;ifr; #oypypUe;J fpilf;Fk; ce;Jjiyg; Nghd;Nw ngsj;j jHkj;jpD}lhfTk; ghhpa ce;Jjiyg; ngw;Wf;nfhs;s KbAk;.  cy;yhrg; gpuahzpfs; rpy re;jHg;gq;fspy; jdpj;jpUf;Fk;NghJ ,t;thwhd E}y;fspD}lhf Gj;jjHkj;jpidf; fw;gjw;fhd re;jHg;gj;jpidg; ngw;Wf;nfhLf;f KbAk;. cy;yhrg; gpuahzpfs; ve;NeuKk; Rw;Wyh Nkw;nfhz;ltz;zk; ,Uf;fkhl;lhHfs;.  mtHfs; N`hl;ly; miwfspy; ,Uf;Fk; re;jHg;gq;fspy; ,g;Gj;jfj;jpid thrpg;gjw;fhd tha;g;gpidg; ngw;Wf;nfhLj;J Gj;jjHkj;jpd; njhdpg;nghUis mtHfs; tpsq;fpf; nfhs;tjw;F ,e;jg; Gj;jfk; cWJizahf ,Uf;Fk; vdTk; Fwpg;gpl;lhH.
“Why Worry” ngsj;j E}ypid cy;yhrg; gazpfs; jq;Fk; N`hl;ly;fspilNa gfpHe;jspg;gjw;fhd itgtj;jpy; fhyQ;nrd;w rq;iff;Fhpa fyhepjp fpupy;Ny=jk;khde;j Njuhpd; khztuhd rq;iff;Fhpa nfhl;ltpy rpupjk;k NjuH cl;gl kfhrq;fj;jpdH> Gj;jrhrd kw;Wk; gpujp mikr;rH vk;.Nf.V.b.v];.FztHjd> gpujk mikr;rupd; nrayhsH v];. mkuNrf;fu> Gj;jrhrd kw;Wk; kjtptfhu mikr;rpd; nrayhsH vk;]hehaf;f> nghJ ek;gpf;ifg; nghWg;ghsH ruj; nrndtpuj;d> ,yq;if N`hl;ly; rq;fj;jpd; jiytH vk;. rhe;jpFkhH> ,yq;if N`hl;ly; cupikahsH rq;fj;jpd; jiytH N[.nfn`y; gd;dy cl;gl gyH fye;Jnfhz;ldH.  

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